It may seem odd to talk about the benefits of “don’t know mind” in a tradition that places such value on learning and on study • it also may seem odd because in the Buddhist tradition there is a great deal of discussion about ignorance and delusion, and the harm that comes from lack of knowledge, lack of awareness, lack of critical thinking • so how is don’t know mind different from delusory mind or ignorance? • the main difference is that don’t know mind is about opening out, whereas ignorance is about shutting down • Trungpa Rinpoche warned about developing a mind like an iron kettle, as though we could pour all sorts of teachings into that kettle and hold tight and have them as some kind of a possession • he taught that the proper way to relate to learning as having a mind like a sieve, where you don’t hold onto anything • it points to a paradox: with awareness, you can be so sharp, so on the spot, that you don’t have to hold onto anything at all.