Recognizing the value of continuity of practice and of group support, PTR, together with the Wisdom Seat, will be offering online sitting practice every Sunday beginning January 14, 2024.
Sunday Nyinthun
On the first Sunday of each month, everyone is warmly invited to join the Wisdom Seat nyinthun from 9:30am – 4:30pm Eastern time. For more details on how to sign up, click here.
2-hour Sunday Meditation
Thereafter, on each Sunday PTR will host a 2-hour sitting period on Zoom from 9:30am – 11:30am Eastern time. This will include a short reading and walking meditation. Meditation instruction by a qualified meditation instructor will be offered on the third Sunday of every month. Please email for the Zoom link to the 2-hour Sunday sessions.
Everyone is encouraged to read Trungpa Rinpoche’s Touch and Go and the Four Foundations of Mindfulness from Garuda IV. Please join us for this opportunity to practice together.