In this episode we will be looking at the obstacles we might encounter in trying to awaken our enlightened genes, as well as situations that support their awakening • Trungpa Rinpoche called the first obstacle intrinsic slavery: we become slaves to our schemes, to our work, to our possessions • the second obstacle is being unaware: having a limited kind of awareness which does not look beyond the superficial level of things • the third obstacle says that enlightened genes won’t awaken in the midst of evil actions or harmful behavior • the fourth obstacle is sleepiness, which is similar to a lack of awareness, but it also has a quality of being dull and drowsy • there are two conditions that are conducive to awakening enlightened genes • the first is waking up at the right time, which points to creating outer conditions that sustain our practice and cultivate our awakening • the second is taking an interest in dharma practice • the idea of enlightened genes is that they’re there, but they don’t always show themselves until the conditions are right, until obstacles are removed.