We are all familiar with meditation as a way to tame and quiet the mind • another important aspect of meditation is clear seeing, or insight: the power of meditation to reveal the intricacies of the workings of our minds • a traditional image for untamed mind is that of a pond stirred up by the wind • all the silt in the pond is mixed with the water, making it murky • as the wind dies down—when we sit still and practice mindfulness—the water begins to clarify, and we can see more layers of what’s really going on within us • some things are quite beautiful, yet other things are painful to look at • it’s important to realize this power of meditation, because there’s a reason that we hide certain parts of ourselves • it’s not that easy to come to terms with the different corners of our being • it’s so important to be gentle and steady, and not immediately try to overcome all our hesitations about our own experience • step-by-step, through the practice of meditation, we are exposing who we are to ourselves • by removing firewalls and moats and protective mechanisms that deplete our life force and our energy, we can relax our guard and live more wholesomely and more full-heartedly.