Someone recently asked me, “Am I spiritually bypassing?” • I took that term to mean using one’s practice or spiritual path as an escape, or relief, from the responsibilities of regular life in this world • it is a relief in a way, to take a break from the relentless struggles of daily life • is it possible to practice meditation in a way that’s not bypassing all of that, while at the same time recognizing the need to have some relief from the relentlessness of life? • I think there is actually a parallel, or opposite, form of bypassing, something I would label “material bypassing” — avoiding our own spirituality our spiritual yearnings and insights by keeping busy and constantly occupying ourselves with an endless stream of worldly concerns • the challenge is to find some way of being skillfully and wholeheartedly engaged in both your life and your meditation practice — appreciating that we need to take a break from worldly concerns, but then we need to re-energize and engage fully in the world again.