Effort plays a very important part on the Buddhist path; it’s one of the three main components of discipline, meditation, and knowledge • effort is where the rubber meets the road; it’s where things get tested and become real • Trungpa Rinpoche talked about effort in terms of combining discipline and delight • he used three analogies to describe three different approaches to effort • the first is a jack rabbit, racing along with a burst of enthusiasm and then collapsing in exhaustion • the second is a worm that’s eating its way through a tree, just plowing along with no vision, no sense of where it’s going • the third is an elephant walking through the jungle: steady and slow and dignified, with a sense of vision, mindful and aware of where it’s going • the walk of an elephant is an example of right effort • another aspect of effort is being genuine • someone who is genuine doesn’t say one thing and do another; their speech is true, and it manifests in how they act in the world.