I recently had a problem with my computer—whatever I put in my “trash” would just stay there; I couldn’t empty it • I started thinking about how that could describe our personal “trash”—our freak-outs and obsessions, our worries and regrets, as well as what we read in the news • we can shove that stuff deep within us, and sometimes it’s not so easy to know how to let it go • one approach is not to take anything in: closing our hearts, closing ourselves to the pain and confusion within us and around us • but the notion of letting go is based on actually opening our hearts and taking something in fully, but then not dwelling or holding onto it, but releasing it • as we let go, we bring ourselves more completely into the situation • when you can let go and open to a situation, you can connect with something that is sacred and holy, something beyond our small world of self-fixation and self-absorption.