All beings truly want to be happy and content; so why do we continually and repeatedly create situations for ourselves and others that only lead to greater suffering? • so many large-scale problems in the world, such as warfare, famine, hatred, injustice, poverty, can be traced back to just four simple patterns: grasping, greed, hatred and ignorance • they are tricky, because they start out so simply and innocently • for instance, with grasping, maybe we’re window shopping and we see a beautiful pen; we admire this beautiful pen, and then we buy it • the pen is now our property, and we get really pissed off if someone takes it or damages it • along with that grasping comes its companion, greed: you think, that’s really nice, but look at that other beautiful pen • I could have two pens, three pens… I could have a pen factory • then we can feel justified about destroying anything that gets in our way, which is where aggression and hatred come in • and then there’s ignorance, which is our tendency to pretend we don’t know what we are doing • ignorance also has the quality of stubbornly holding certain ideas, and closing our minds to other possibilities • we can see the workings of these four patterns in ourselves and in all around us • but we also see the four counteracting forces that are also deep within us • we don’t have to be caught in the force of greed, but we can cultivate generosity • we can let loose of grasping • we don’t have to cling to hatred; we can cultivate love • and in response to ignorance, we can apply insight and learning and curiosity • by seeing the force of these poisonous habits and emotions, we also are opening to the force of their counterparts.