This episode is about groundlessness and uncertainty • how do we respond when we are no longer on familiar ground, when we feel insecure? • it can feel so uncomfortable that we might begin to panic; and often, when we reach that point, we scramble — we scramble to find some new secure ground to replace the one that we have left • so we go on a search to find some basis that is reliable, something we can count on, some sense of solidity • sometimes meditation is taught as a way to find such ground, a way to find some calm and peace within the storminess of life • and that’s important; but it may be just another way of avoiding the reality of uncertainty • my teacher taught that in relating to meditation practice, we need to consider two aspects • first we need to tame and ground our mind, but then we need to extend beyond that • we need to sharpen our awareness; we need to expand our notion of what being grounded is all about • we need to drop the project of trying to find ground altogether, and instead we need to learn to find ground within groundlessness • in doing so, we find that our project of trying to secure our ground is is full of holes, full of little gaps — and that’s a good thing • those moments when there’s an interruption of our project of securing ourselves point to the possibility of true security • the basic point here is very simple: just notice such gaps during your practice and during everyday life • the gaps are not manufactured; and as such, they are the one true thing — so simple, so direct, and so fresh.