In this episode I’d like to explore the topic of walking meditation • in some ways walking meditation is a link between stillness and movement; it is a bridge between the quiet and peaceful state of sitting meditation and the activities of daily life • but in walking meditation, we’re not trying to get somewhere; the walking itself is the point • in walking meditation, you place your attention on the contact of your feet with the earth or the floor • you pay attention as your balance shifts from one foot to the other foot, and to the pushing off as you shift from one foot to the other • it’s very simple • the idea is not to be overly precious or self conscious, but simply keep our attention so that when we walk with each step, it’s a genuine step, a true step • when we walk, we really walk; we include everything in each step • walking meditation has the sense of continuous presence, continuous awareness, continuous being • you don’t have to be in a formal setting; you can notice how you walk, notice how connected or disconnected you are with your walking, and then work with that • I invite you to explore what it’s like to walk, just to walk, with mindfulness • it’s amazing how powerful one true gesture can be.