So much of what happens on the Buddhist path depends on what we notice and what we question • the Buddha’s path to enlightenment began with noticing and questioning—noticing the stages and the challenges of life, noticing the pervasive nature of suffering • we have to examine for ourselves: why do we think and act the way we do, why is the world this way or that way, how can we move through our lives in a sane and compassionate way? • as a young boy, the Buddha noticed that as a plow turned over the earth in a field, the tiny beings that lived in the soil were completely disrupted • the Buddha was quite touched by this, and it led him to ponder deeply how to live lightly on this earth, and how to be of true benefit • in our own lives, realizing the far-reaching implications of whatever we do can be a catalyst for finding true connection and compassion, and can lead to an awakening of tenderness • how do we best live, how do we best serve, how do we best realize this precious human life?