Bodhisattvas are those who dedicate their lives to attaining enlightenment themselves, and to providing situations that lead to the enlightenment of everyone • in approaching this high aspiration, bodhisattvas do not look to some heavenly figure to provide examples of how to accomplish the goals of the bodhisattva path • instead, they look to the elements of this ordinary world: the elements of earth, water, fire, wind, and space • like the earth, we can aspire to support all life, and provide a base of support that is non-judging, strong, solid, and reliable • like water, we can aspire to cleanse impurities, join things together, and relieve a world thirsty for love and compassion • like fire, we can aspire to burn away the distinctions we cling to so strongly, and purify whatever we come into contact with • like wind, we can aspire to provide a cool breeze of delight, sweeping away possessiveness, egocentric clinging, and obstacles • like space, we can aspire to accommodate everything.