Episode 84 – The Paramita of Generosity, Talk 1 of 2
[This episode originally aired on August 30, 2022] The English word “generosity” comes from the Latin meaning “noble birth” • in talking about the bodhisattva path, this doesn’t mean elitism or nobility in the sense of being kings and queens, but nobility in terms of a noble way of being in the world—with dignity, with skill, with love and with compassion, and with a sense of respect for one’s own life and the life of other beings • of the six paramitas, generosity is fundamental; it is about the quality of your very spirit, your inner workings, your heart and your mind • it refers to a sense of inner richness combined with a sense of outer connection and invitation toward other beings • in the practice of cultivating generosity, we’re looking at the contrast between what one could call “poverty mind”—a pinched mind, an imploded mind, a shrunken mind—and “generous mind”—a bigger mind, a more relaxed mind, a mind expanding and opening outward.