Episode 89 – The Paramita of Meditation
[This episode originally aired on October 4, 2022] The topic of meditation reminds me of the old saying, “all roads lead to Rome” • in the Buddhist tradition, all teachings seem to lead to meditation • sometimes we think of meditation as just stillness, but as one of the six paramitas, meditation is considered to be one of the skillful actions of a bodhisattva, essential for cultivating wisdom and compassion • meditation helps us to settle and to open; it helps us to hold our mind steady and not simply react impulsively when we are challenged by other people and the pressures of life • with meditation, you can hold steady and then respond appropriately—and then you can let go and move on • in meditation practice, we begin to see through some of our preconceptions, and we witness how easily we solidify our experiences • meditation draws us out of ourselves and turns us towards others; in doing so, the inspiration to work for the benefit of others arises.