Many people associate the practices of Buddhism with stillness; but actually the path of dharma is one of continual movement and growth • it’s an organic process, one where everything cycles and everything is interconnected • it’s like having a seed in the earth that grows and bears fruit and flowers and produces new seeds, and then another cycle begins • in my tradition, the different ways of moving forward on the path are described as three vehicles, because they carry us along in three stages • the first stage is a narrowing down, getting down to bare bones; it is starting with ourselves • if we want to help the world, we have to first help ourselves; we have to develop a little mindfulness and awareness • the second stage is one of opening out, extending our heart, extending our vision • having pared down and simplified, it’s time to extend; it’s time to test that training in our relationships with the world • The third or final stage is like a great leap of confidence and trust; it is like taking command of the tools that we’ve been cultivating, and not hesitating to apply them if they are needed and are of benefit.